
自從擔任陶瓷原型設計師、藉由不斷創作精進、掌握形體及神韻的靈動:反覆操弄下熟成對顧各種材質的運用、更將在藝專時所學和創作經驗加以活化,如此創作能量共鳴於達摩精神的焠鍊熟成。 LEARN MORE 焠鍊熟成 進入

The Mature Refinement

since Yeh Kuo-Ting started his career as a ceramics designer,he has been working onthe precision of shapes ,repetitively exploring and maturing the properties of variousmaterials. Meanwhile, he revitalizes what he has learned when he studied in the artcollage and his artistic experiences when he becomes a professional artist,creatinga resonance between the mature energy of art-...
先生自成立工作室以來,全力投入鑽研創作、不僅提昇原有所擅長花鳥、物、人物作品外,更沈潛致力於達摩、鍾馗人物之創作、其作品千姿百態、多采多姿、幻化萬千、氣勢砣礡、升華了作品的精神意境、渾然自在、物我兩忘... LEARN MORE 沈潛專注 進入

The Ultimate Purification

since Yeh started his studio, he has been fully devoted to artistic practice. he not only further perfects the works of flowers, birds, animals, and human figures which he has mastered, but also devotes himself to the work of Dharma and Zhong-kui, the ghost catcher. His pottery art is full of wonderful and unexpected variations with majestic manner. He indeed sublimates the spi...
歷經長期研創、手錘百鍊、葉國鋌的雕塑技巧,創作脈絡以及精神層面等,皆已達到了爐火純青的境界,作品邁侷全方位多面向發展,透過作者與作品的對話,體現出創作時無比投入的真誠。 LEARN MORE 爐火純青 進入

The Ultimate Purification

After the long-term exploration, Yeh Kuo-Ting pottery art has been greatly polishedand his artistic narrative as well as the spiritual concept has reached a purifiedstage. His artistic practice is elaborated a full-dimensiomal way. Through the conversationbetween the conversation between the creator and the find works, the honest devotion of art-making has been embodied.
不間斷的創作生涯中,葉國鋌對於作品的精 研創新從未間斷,將其作品導入文化創意的 概念,轉化衍生為壺、杯、盤...等,文創精 品,使藝術落實生活中。 LEARN MORE 精研創新 進入

The On-going Innovation

Throughout Yeh's artistic career, he has never stopped working on the innovation of his artwork. He keeps bringing in the concepts of cultural creatitivy, transforming his pottery art into the delicate works such as kettles, pots, cups, plates, and etc. while embracing art in our daily life.